Remote Program Manager Jobs

Discover remote program manager jobs and lead teams to success from a hybrid environment or anywhere. Explore our selection of remote job openings in program management and find your next career opportunity.

Latest Remote Program Manager Jobs (21)


What does a Program Manager do?

Program Managers are in charge of coordinating smaller projects with objectives that measure up to company-wide goals. They work closely and maintain a delicate balance in daily project management to ensure more extensive picture programs succeed.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a Program Manager?

Program Managers are responsible for creating new ideas, managing budgets and timelines on projects and developing long-term plans following company direction.

What makes a good Program Manager?

Program Managers need foresight and anticipation to bring authority to the team with influence from past experiences. They should also know how best to leverage lessons learned to succeed.

Who does a Program Manager work with?

Program Managers typically oversee Project Managers on the progress of the operations of individual projects within programs.

Source: Workable

How Much does a Program Manager Make?

The average Program Manager in the US makes $115,608. The average bonus for a Program Manager is $8,333 which represents 7% of their salary, with 67% of people reporting that they receive a bonus each year. Program Managers make the most in San Francisco at $133,122, averaging total compensation 15% greater than the US average.

Salary Ranges for Program Managers

The salaries of Program Managers in the US range from $24,000 to $250,000 , with a median salary of $110,000 . The middle 57% of Program Managers makes between $110,000 and $155,000, with the top 86% making $250,000.

Source: Comparably

How much does a Program Manager Make in San Francisco?

The average Program Manager in San Francisco, CA makes $133,122, 15% above the national average Program Manager salary of $115,608. This pay is 22% higher than the combined average salaries of other metros Los Angeles, Boston and New York. The average bonus for a Program Manager is $10,000 which represents 8% of their salary, with 100% of people reporting that they receive a bonus each year.

Source: Comparably

How much does a Program Manager Make in Seattle?

The average Program Manager in Seattle, WA makes $114,067, 1% below the national average Program Manager salary of $115,608. This pay is 3% higher than the combined average salaries of other metros San Francisco, New York, NY and Chicago.

Source: Comparably

How much does a Program Manager in Austin, TX in Tech make?

The average Program Manager in Austin, TX makes $95,922, 17% below the national average Program Manager salary of $115,608. This pay is 18% lower than the combined average salaries of other metros San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.

Source: Comparably

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