About UserTesting

UserTesting is an on-demand human insight platform that quickly gives companies a first-person understanding of how their target audience behaves throughout any experience and why. To learn more, visit www.usertesting.com.

UserTesting Salaries

How much do people at UserTesting get paid?

The average estimated annual salary, including base and bonus, at UserTesting is $131,222, or $63 per hour, while the estimated median salary is $155,318, or $74 per hour.

At UserTesting, the highest paid job is a General Counsel at $309,921 annually and the lowest is an Admin Assistant at $43,784 annually. Average UserTesting salaries by department include: Engineering at $147,888, Legal at $309,921, Customer Support at $78,948, and IT at $129,390. Half of UserTesting salaries are above $155,318.

Source - Comparably

UserTesting Benefits & Perks

UserTesting reimburses its employees up to $35 per month for many of the most common health and fitness services and activities. Happy hours are hosted once per month. UserTesting has a fully stocked kitchen including unlimited snacks, coffee, tea, and all of the flavored LaCroix you can handle.

  • HQ Location San Francisco, California, US
  • Website UserTesting
  • Remote Type

UserTesting Remote Jobs