About Salesforce

We bring companies and customers together on the #1 CRM. Sharing the news, events, and innovation you need to change the world for good.

Salesforce Salaries

How much do people at Salesforce get paid?

The average estimated annual salary, including base and bonus, at Salesforce is $140,013, or $67 per hour, while the estimated median salary is $152,706, or $73 per hour.

At Salesforce, the highest paid job is a Group Product Manager at $249,431 annually and the lowest is an Office Manager at $59,530 annually. Average Salesforce salaries by department include: Business Development at $173,582, Finance at $107,980, HR at $163,660, and Engineering at $161,437. Half of Salesforce salaries are above $152,706.

Source - Comparably

Salesforce Benefits & Perks

When you join Salesforce, you join a global family. And we take care of each other. Our incredible benefits protect and improve the lives of our employees and their families. They enhance everyday wellbeing, help you save for now and later, encourage you to take time off work, and provide amazing discounts.

  • Receive exceptional care.
    • Essential benefits to cover your fundamental needs. Inclusive benefits tailored to our diverse workforce.
  • Put family first.
    • Parental and caregiver leave. Gradual return-to-work option for new parents. Adoption, fertility, and surrogacy support.
  • Trek toward prosperity.
    • Annual assessments to ensure fair and equal pay. Retirement and ESP programs to build future financial security.
  • Embrace your wellness.
    • Monthly wellness reimbursement. Employee webinars and events with tips and tricks to live well.
  • Improve your community.
    • Nonprofit donations matched up to $5,000 per year. Seven days paid volunteer time off (VTO) per year.
  • Unplug and revive.
    • Generous time off and holidays. Work-life integration.
    • HQ Location San Francisco, California
    • Website Salesforce
    • Remote Type

    Salesforce Remote Jobs